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This weekend we had our final rehearsals in the ballroom.

On Saturday we had a design run for our lighting designer as well as several close friends and colleagues.  Getting outside eyes to observe the work is crucial to the development of devised theater.  As creators, we are often within the work, and have been working on it so long that we no longer know how it is perceived by a new audience.   We got an immense amount of helpful feedback and questions from our test audience, which we incorporated into our next rehearsal.

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Our wonderful stage manager Dan has been helping us update the script document, set sound cues, track props, and organize rehearsal time.  He keeps a detailed list of presets and is “on book” for us to help call out lines we are still memorizing.  This will allow us to jump right in when we get to tech, as Dan will be up in the booth coordinating all of the technical elements.

Below, several of Karen’s stringed instruments.

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As always, Happenstance rehearsals are an odd mix of the ancient and the modern, classic and contemporary.

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Today we move all of our set pieces, costumes, props, and instruments into the black box at Round House Silver Spring.  Spacing rehearsals and lighting cues to follow!